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End caps for wooden furniture are essential elements for achieving the best end-user experience. So it’s crucial to include them in the manufacturing and assembly line for certain types of wooden furniture. Especially for articles that are going to be used in a way that involves some kind of movement or dragging. Whether you manufacture wooden furniture for private use, or for department stores or establishments linked to the hospitality industry, this article may interest you: let’s take a look at the main characteristics of these end caps.

What are the uses of end caps for wooden furniture?

As you know, end caps are protectors used to safeguard the legs of chairs, tables or other types of furniture, with different purposes. The characteristics of end caps for wooden furniture and the likelihood of them doing their job properly are directly related issues. So as a preliminary step we’re going to run through a quick review of the functionalities of end caps for wooden furniture. In this way we’re confident it will be better understood what characteristics these components should have.

Avoiding noise

It happens to all of us that when we stand up, sit down or approach a table, for example: we drag our chair over the surface where it happens to be located. A wooden chair with end caps fitted to its legs will eliminate these inconveniences involved in its day-to-day use.

Floor protection

As well as preventing noise from wooden furniture, they also prevent scratches and marks on the floor. This is why it makes sense to choose the most appropriate option for the type of floor the furniture is going to be used with.


Ensuring safety in the use of its products is the top priority of any furniture manufacturer or distributor. And end caps are a perfect product for this. Because, thanks to the way they fit, you’ll succeed in minimizing any kind of risk. Otherwise, you’ll end up with possible slips or falls.

Aesthetic solutions

Articles of furniture not only fulfill a utilitarian purpose. They are also decorative elements. And that’s why you have to take care of every last detail, including the extremities of the legs. Looking for a smooth and stylish finish.

Main characteristics of the end caps for wooden furniture

The characteristics to be met by end caps for wooden furniture must be linked to the functional purposes we’ve just told you about.

Adaptability to different floors

It is important to choose the end cap that best fits the characteristics of the floor on which the furniture will be placed. Because every floor, whether it’s parquet, ceramic tile or carpeted, has different needs. For example, if you’re going to use the furniture on a parquet floor, your best bet is rubber end caps. Since we’re dealing with a rather delicate surface. On the other hand, if the wooden furniture is to be used on a carpet or carpeted floor, it is important to ensure that the legs do not sink in. And in this case, the end caps that offer the best results are harder.


End caps for wooden furniture must be highly resistant. This will enable them to fulfill their goals in the best way and for the longest time possible. In addition, they will also help to increase the resistance of the furniture itself. To achieve that toughness and durability it is advisable to choose very resistant materials, such as polyethylene, of low or high density, depending on the needs of the items of furniture.

With the capacity to provide harmony to the whole

We have already said that end caps for wooden furniture are used for aesthetic reasons. They provide a more harmonious finish to the whole structure. And they achieve this by softening the finishes on the legs. But they can also do so by providing a touch of colour. Because end caps are usually made in neutral colours, such as white or black. But alternatives are available, such as those included in the  RAL range of colours.

Perfectly adjustable to the tube

This characteristic is fundamental. Because if it is not met, all the others will also fail. Bear in mind that an end cap that does not fit perfectly on the tube of the leg can cause huge damage, to the furniture itself and to the floor. More seriously, it would greatly increase the accidents suffered by furniture users.


The end caps for wooden furniture that we manufacture at FORTAPS meet all these characteristics to perfection. In addition, we adapt to your needs by offering tailored solutions. Always under the quality parameters of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Would you like to know more? Contact us and we’ll answer your queries.

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